Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ten Things at (not really) 10 am (more like 12pm)

The fastest way for me to post is to list. So here I go. This is a jumbly list of things.

1. This weekend is a long weekend for us here in NZ- Labour Day. It has also been quite sunny! Loving it. Yay for warmth!

2. However, I haven't been feeling all that wonderful. I'm not sure if I have allergies or am just run-down. I'm yawning by 9pm and crawling into bed by 9:30pm! Grrrr. Thankful for not having to work tomorrow though.

3. I have started to get quite depressed about supermarket-ting. I used to like it but now it comes with such dread! (Maybe because I'm terrible at writing a shopping list... cos' it all depends on what is on discount! You know what I mean?)

It is such a big job... walking your socks off, pushing big bafoony trolley/cart around, dodging other shoppers and avoiding aisle-rage, spending a TON of money that doesn't look worth your wares, loading it into the car, then unloading it all, stocking the pantry, then doing it all again in a couple weeks.

Now I make sure I buy ONE SNACK THING as a reward, cos' I'm often starving from all the mental, physical and emotional energy I've invested into the trip... so I eat it when I've loaded the car and got in my car and BREATHE. Then start the journey home.  Yesterday I ate a banana. Not very exciting I know but still good haha...

4. My friend Ruth mentioned making cards recently on her blog... this inspired me to make some the other day. I'm not very hard-core (like not at all a proper scrapbooker-type) about it but I just make the most of random things I have, like fabric.

(as you can see, i like hearts!)
There are lots of birthdays (and a wedding) that have been going on this month. I'm already late for some, ugh terrible I know. This is also a good money saving thingy (which I'm trying to do!) as I can get super carried away buying cards and gifts, etc.

5. My blogger friend Grace and her husband are adopting and waiting for their child to come home to them. She finally has just heard some good news... it is possible that she will be able to bring him home from Korea in 6 to 9 weeks. SO STOKED FOR THEM!

6. Heather at reach in, reach out, reach up posted about some myths about infertility. This is a great post... I myself may have said stuff like this to others before experiencing infertility myself and I understand that with IF and loss, sometimes there really is never anything to say that is good or helps... but at least avoiding the really bad ones is a plus. (At the moment one of the hard ones for me is wondering if people think that adoption is our new fertility treatment. It is not.)

7. My super friend C has been celebrating her birthday this weekend! Happy Birthday!

8. I'm running a half-marathon in a week. I have to admit I'm quite worried about it. Am I prepared enough? Will I survive? Have I set too high of a goal? AHHH... I'm also raising money while I run, for the Heart Foundation. If you'd like to donate, click here. (Don't laugh, I've been pretty laidback about the fundraising.)

9. IF stuff never leaves me... I often randomly count the number of people I know who are pregnant. Do you? I hate that I do this as it is just plain ol' torture... but I can't help it. It is reaching the point where 80-90% of my friends are either pregnant or have kids or are 'trying'... I wonder if you ever get used to it.

10. Right now, the husband is vacuuming. Yes! I am so thankful for him. haha.

Have a good weekend.


Grace said...

thanks for the shout-out, sarah! and wowie, good look with the half marathon! i'm impressed!

Sharee said...

I have soooooo been there. I remember I got ridiculous with the preggo mom count ... I was even including my Mary Kay consultant who lived like 20 states and an ocean away! Oh and the cashier at my fav lunch spot. Except she had actually only put on a few pounds and I violated the "don't ask; wait to be told" rule!

GMom said...

i totally agree with your statements on supermarket shopping...especially after working in a very big one for a number of years. now the husband does the bulk of the grocery shopping (with the list i make) as he works next to the supermarket...what a relief!!!! good on your husband for doing the vacuuming...great break.... another job i just hate...xoxoxoxo

Krissi said...

Sorry about the allergies but WOW about the marathon! That's amazing!! The card is super cute! I just added your link. Happy Labour Day & Happy ICLW! (#72 & 106)

Amel said...

Quite a sum-up here. GOOD LUCK on your upcoming half marathon. Having lived in a small village here in Lapland, I must say that it's really relaxing to go to supermarkets 'coz there are almost never long lines (long = more than 5 people in a line).

I don't actually count the number of pregnant people, but while we were actively TTC-ing, I realized how many pregnant people there were around me (before then, I didn't really notice).

YAAAYYY for vaccuuming hubby he he he he...

Laura said...

here from ICLW.. that is so fantastic about the half marathon. I wish you the best, you can do it!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the love Sarah! And I'm just a little intimidated by the half-marathon thing...
What a great hubby, vacuuming!

KD said...

Good luck at your 1/2 marathon!!!


Anonymous said...

I would probably pass out if I saw my husband vacuuming. I am also in awe of your running a half marathon I only run if someone is chasing me.