
Come in!

Hi there, welcome to the blog. THANKS FOR STOPPING BY! I guess it is 'my' blog but I hope it is also yours as I want it to be where you find empathy or support in your 'adventures' through fertility or miscarriage loss, or other similar life-things that are not simple to process. Basically I'm sharing things, issues, questions I'm learning or thinking about and hope it connects with you somehow.

I'm new to the whole blogging world, but I get disoriented when I first land on a person's page, so thought maybe this will help some of you, if you are like me- an overview:

Here are links to a few posts so you can get a gist of what this is about. I will change/add to this here and there as I go...

1. Bit about who I am and why I started this:
1st post of the blog

2. More about me, specifically my journey so far in terms of infertility and miscarriage:
My infertility background

3. A post about how I'm struggling with friends around me getting pregnant and the dreaded announcements:

4. A poem I wrote about missing the children you haven't had yet or haven't met:
A Car with Four Doors

5. Most recent thing I did to the blog, besides the last post:
About Us page- a bit more about the husband and I

6. Where are we at right now?
We thought we were pursuing adoption when things took a turn! (We would still like to but it is now on hold...) We are currently pregnant. Thankful for both paths. Praying we can carry this one to term!