My Bookshelf

I love books, though I don't always have time to read. I have found books to be a great comfort and resource, especially about infertility from the Christian perspective. These remind me I am not alone. They have each been like a valuable companion.

I really want to go on and on and write lots more about each book, the angle they take and specifically why I love it, but here is the list for now (I have left out the ones I didn't find that helpful):

 - Just for convenience, when you click each book title it just takes you to the page (or similar store). For more information, you can click on the author's name or the added links, where indicated. -

On infertility
- these are from the Christian perspective,

Hannah's Hope
by Jennifer Saake
- This is a great book for sharing with your close friends or family too. It contains specific portions written to them.

Empty Womb, Aching Heart
by Marlo Schalesky
- here's an excerpt

inconceivable (Finding peace in the midst of infertility)
by Shannon Woodward

When Empty Arms Become a Heavy Burden
by Sandra Glahn and William Cutrer, M.D.
- Sandra's Blog
- Sandra contributes posts to this one too

The Infertility Companion
by Sandra Glahn and William Cutrer, M.D.
- A short review of it

On grieving,

Free to Grieve
by Maureen Rank

A Grief Observed
by C.S. Lewis

Life After Baby Loss
(A guide to pregnancy and infant loss and subsequent pregnancy in NZ)
by Nicola Miller-Clendon

On suffering,

Where is God When It Hurts?
by Philip Yancey

A Grace Disguised (How the soul grows through loss)
by Jerry Sittser

God On Mute (Engaging the Silence of Unanswered Prayer)
by Pete Greig
- here is a review

General dealing-with-life stuff,

Changes That Heal
by Dr Henry Cloud

The Search for Significance
by Robert S. McGee

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Unleash the Power of Life in Christ
by Peter Scazerro

The Life You've Always Wanted
by John Ortberg

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